Kamis, 05 September 2019

Position Paper Example for Model United Nations


Committee       : United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS)
Country            : Republic of Cuba
Topic                 : Human Security through Inclusive Socio-Economic Development
Sub Topic         : Water Scarcity

Water scarcity is a phenomenon where the lack of available safe and clean water resources to meet the demands of water usage within a region. It could mean the scarcity in availability because of physical shortage, or scarcity in access due to institution’s failure to ensure a regular supply because of the lack of infrastructure. Until this day, more than 1 billion people from the developing countries don’t have access to it. Some of their freshwater resources are shrinking at an alarming rate. This problem will become more challenging as the world’s population continues to grow and the need for clean water for daily needs also increases. Lack of clean water supplies could lead to numerous waterborne disease and failure in agriculture, causing death, famine, and hamper the community development.

In Cuba, water scarcity becomes a daily struggle. The capital city Havana and other regions suffered from lack of sufficient infrastructure and low water quality-treatment. Proper maintenances are a challenge due to low income and inadequate budgets for operations. More than 80% of the infrastructure like pipes and water tube is almost half-century years old and frequently leaks which causes water loss. Some area like Havana had limited water service and the residents only had access for one hour each day. Many families started storing water in every container they could find, that could lead to the possibility of water contamination because of improper storage system. This condition is worsened in the past few years due to drought and the recent natural disasters. Thousands of homes, infrastructures, and water cisterns are destroyed. Many who lost their home struggled to access clean water and sanitation. There are 3,100,000 people in total who had problems with water supply.

The government and officials of Cuba has provided water rationing using truck water-tanks throughout its urban areas. Besides the water rationing, Cuba with the funding from the European Union have partnered with the World Food Program, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and the Mivimiento Por La Paz to run a project with two goals: strengthening the preparation plans and drought early warning systems, and repairing the hydrological network systems to increase the water supply. The OPEC Fund for International Development also has signed US$10 million loan agreement with the Cuba’s government to help finance a water supply and sanitation project in the capital city Havana. The project will comprise rehabilitation of sanitation infrastructure and installation of 260 km long of pipes to connect houses.

The issue of water scarcity requires a solution that could be implemented effectively and sustainably. Therefore, Republic of Cuba proposes a few solutions, which are:
1. Establishing community based Municipalities Water Management Agency for each municipality as a private company that the community itself is also act as the shareholder.
2. The water management agency will taking responsibility for building dams and water reservoirs, water infrastructures maintenances, water distribution systems, and handling the wastewater managements. This agency would be responsible for making sure every family in each Cuba’s municipalities get a clean and regular supply of water for agriculture activities and daily needs. Local communities will be involved to ensure the availability of human resources for the agency. Municipalities Water Management Agency is a long term and sustainable plan for water security in Cuba.
3. Funding resources for establishing Municipalities Water Management Agency are from National Annual Budgeting Plan Cuba and municipality community trust fund. Other available funding are from United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS) and collaboration with UNDP and the government, will costing for several technical assistance such as human resources training, and funding expenses for a project of slow-sand filters system installation in houses as a way to reduce the possibility of water contamination and waterborne disease. Slow-sand filters would act as a simple and easy purifying water system in each family house which does not require a lot of energy and costs.

By applying these solutions, we believe the Sustainable Development Goal number 6 which says "ensuring the availability and management of sustainable water and sanitation for all" will be able to be achieved.


Water Scarcity & the Importance of Water, link source: https://thewaterproject.org/water-scarcity/
Water Scarcity, link source: https://www.unwater.org/water-facts/scarcity/

Water Scarcity is one of the Greatest Challenges of Our Time, link source: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/03/water-scarcity-one-of-the-greatest-challenges-of-our-time/

Cuba and the Hurricanes of the Caribbean, link source: https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/cuba-and-the-hurricanes-of-the-caribbean

Water Supply in Cuba, link source: https://borgenproject.org/water-supply-in-cuba/

‘IT’S LIKE A MOVIE’ Cuba tornado – 3 dead and 174 injured after Havana hit by monster storm ‘devastating’ the city with severe winds and heavy rain, link source: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8294435/cuba-tornado-havana-hit-storm-winds-rain-devastation/

OPEC Fund extends US$10 million loan to Cuba for water supply and sanitation scheme, link source: http://www.ofid.org/NewsEvents/ArticleId/377/OPEC-Fund-extends-US-10-million-loan-to-Cuba-for-water-supply-and-sanitation-scheme

Havana’s Wastewater Treatment Plants: Changes over Time and Estimate of Replacement Cost, link source: https://www.ascecuba.org/asce_proceedings/havanas-wastewater-treatment-plants-changes-over-time-and-estimate-of-replacement-cost/

Coping with water crisis in Cuba, link source: https://www.idrc.ca/en/stories/coping-water-crisis-cuba
Supporting Cuba through the Drought of the Century, link source: https://ec.europa.eu/echo/field-blogs/stories/supporting-cuba-through-drought-century_en

Between Drought and Floods, Cuba Seeks to Improve Water Management, link source:  http://www.ipsnews.net/2018/09/drought-floods-cuba-seeks-improve-water-management/

Slow Sand Filtration, link source: http://oasisdesign.net/water/treatment/slowsandfilter.htm

Selasa, 02 April 2019

"......ruang operasinya keren!"

Jumat, 22 Februari 2019

I had a small surgery yesterday.

Now, this was a new experience for me. Takut mampus sama jarum, seumur hidup ga pernah diinfus, ga pernah opname, dan tiba-tiba aja dokternya bilang, “Ini harus dioperasi.”


            Jadi begini awal mulanya. Beberapa bulan yang lalu aku kena sariawan di bawah lidah, dan yah typical me, aku cuek-cuek saja. No medicine, no vitamin C, nothing. Soalnya aku tidak mau tergantung dengan obat-obatan. Aku percaya tubuh manusia pasti bisa menyembuhkan dirinya sendiri, dan kurasa dengan makan makanan yang sehat pasti sudah cukup.

            Sariawannya ini membesar dan mengecil secara berkala dan lama kelamaan rasanya tidak sakit lagi, tapi tetap tidak hilang-hilang. Besarnya seperti sebutir merica. Sangat menganggu dan menyebalkan, menerorku selama kurang lebih dua bulan. Karena curiga ini bukan sariawan biasa, maka aku berniat untuk memeriksakannya ke dokter.

            Hari Selasa sore tanggal 19, aku sempat meeting dengan anggota event Lovdon. Sempat hujan juga, jadi kami menghabiskan senja itu nge-roasting satu sama lain ditemani pelangi, semburat jingga di cakrawala, dan hujan. Kurang kopinya ja lagi nih wkwk. #penikmatsenja

            Setelah hujan reda, sehabis maghrib, aku pergi ke Rumah Sakit Islam Banjarmasin di Jalan S. Parman. Aku mendaftar nama, mengantri sambil baca e-book yang dikasih sama Rana, mengeluh kelaparan dengan diri sendiri, dan memperhatikan penghuni rumah sakit yang mondar-mandir di depanku. Hingga akhirnya namaku dipanggil oleh suster, dan aku memasuki ruang dokter THT tersebut sambil menelan ludah.

            The doctor is nice. Dia perempuan seumuran ibuku yang ramah, dan menyenangkan. Dia menanyakan keluhanku dan memeriksa dengan telaten. Hingga akhirnya tiba waktunya menyampaikan hasil pemeriksaannya. Menurutnya ini jelas bukan sariawan, tapi seperti daging yang tumbuh di bawah lidah. Dugaannya adalah tumor.

            Aku kaget, sedikit. Aku berusaha santai, tapi rupanya Bu Dokter baik hati sempat menangkap perubahan ekspresiku selama sepersekian detik. Ia cepat-cepat menjelaskan dengan lugas, “Tumor itu ada dua jenis, tumor ganas dan tumor jinak. Kalau dugaan ibu, ini hanya tumor jinak. Tapi tetap harus ditindaklanjuti, harus di operasi dan hasilnya nanti dicek di lab.”

            I was alone there. Pengalaman perdana pergi ke dokter sendirian, dan langsung menerima berita seperti ini. God damn. I felt cool. Call me weird, but I felt cool. Karena aku berhasil tidak heboh, tidak rempong, dan tidak mengalami panic attack. Oh yas!

            I’m okay with everything, I went home calmly. Tapi orang rumah tidak bereaksi sama sepertiku. Mereka langsung heboh.

            Keesokannya hari Rabu tanggal 20, aku ditemani tanteku pergi ke Ciputra Mitra Hospital. Aku periksa ke dokter THT di sana sekali lagi, untuk double check. Ternyata hasil diagnosanya sama persis dengan dokter yang pertama. Jelas sudah, I’m going to have my very first surgery.

            Jadi kami langsung mengurus administrasi untuk rawat inap. Sebelumnya aku sempat diberi tahu oleh petugas administrasi di Rumah Sakit Islam bahwa kamar di sana penuh, dan aku dirujuk ke Rumah Sakit Ulin. Tapi ya ampun, tahu kan RS Ulin itu juga sama penuhnya? Makanya aku ke Ciputra. Tapi ternyata di Ciputra kamarnya juga penuh. Kelas VVIP, VIP, 1 PLUS, dan Kelas 1, all booked. Aku cuma kebagian di Kelas 2, yang berarti aku harus berbagi ruangan dengan 2 pasien lainnya. Hmmm.

Siang itu juga aku menempati kamar dan dipasangi infus (I cried. Iya aku memang setakut itu, tapi lebih banyak sedihnya karena rekor ‘tidak pernah diinfus’ ku berakhir disini). I changed my clothes to Ciputra’s blue uniform that the nurse gave me. It’s for the patients, she said. I wore nothing underneath—the hospital procedure. I felt weird, but yawda.

Sekitar satu atau dua jam kemudian aku dipanggil untuk melakukan roentgen. Aku dibawa menggunakan kursi roda (susternya maksa make kursi roda padahal aku ngerasa awkward banget astaga). Aku bawa selimut dari kamar karena untuk menuju ruang radiologi harus turun ke lantai dasar dan melewati lobby, yang berarti aku akan berpapasan dengan banyak orang. Oh god. I clutched the blanket tightly, covering my front body. Long story short aku dikembalikan ke kamar setelah melakukan roentgen. Lalu sekitar jam 6 sore aku dibawa lagi untuk melakukan operasi.

Aku berganti pakaian lagi dengan semacam jubah. Then I lay in bed, and the doctors brought me in to the surgery room. Dan, coy, ruang operasinya keren. If you’re a fan of fiction, fantasy, or dystopian novels or movies like me, you’d be thrilled. Ruangannya memang sekeren itu! Peralatan medis yang aku tidak tahu namanya tertata di seluruh penjuru ruangan yang terang, berwarna putih, dan berbau steril. Semua orang di dalam situ memakai masker, sarung tangan, jubah dokter, dan pokoknya pernak-pernik medis lainnya. Entah aku yang memang kebanyakan imajinasi atau bagaimana, tapi I swear ini persis kayak di film-film.

Gara-gara kebanyakan imajinasi, aku jadi tidak merasa takut sama sekali. Aku ingat salah satu dokter berkata bahwa ia akan memasukkan obat bius ke pembuluh darahku melalui infus. Aku ya manggut-manggut saja. Dokter yang lain mengajakku ngobrol, mungkin berusaha mengalihkan perhatianku supaya tidak panik. But doc, I’m not scared. I’m excited! Dosis obat bius itu mulai bekerja. Aku ingat sempat menjawab beberapa pertanyaan dokter sebelum aku mulai kehilangan kesadaran dan dunia menjadi gelap gulita.

….. dan aku terbangun beberapa saat kemudian. Hal pertama yang kurasakan adalah rasa kantuk yang luar biasa. Kemudian aku mulai menyadari bahwa tenggorokanku sakit, dan ketika mataku mulai bisa menyesuaikan dengan cahaya, aku sadar bahwa aku masih berada di ruangan operasi. Suster di sebelahku tersenyum dan menyapa, ia bilang operasinya sudah selesai. Aku mencari-cari jam di dinding. Oh, baru jam 7 malam! Berarti aku hanya tidak sadarkan diri selama kurang lebih satu jam, dan operasinya juga sudah selesai. Well, that was quick.

Then my mom came in the room. She rushed quickly to my side. She was really nervous before I got my surgery, and now that I’m awake, I can see that she’s relieved.

A few moments later, aku dikembalikan lagi ke kamarku. Aku ingat merasa mengantuk, jadi aku tidur lagi. Besoknya, teman-teman datang berkunjung. Aww, manis sekali. Aku senang dan merasa terharu. Thanks friends!

Kira-kira satu minggu kemudian hasil labnya keluar, dan alhamdulillah hasilnya tidak mengerikan. Aman. My mom bisa bernapas lega. Hahaha.

Jadi itu pengalamanku menginap di rumah sakit dan mengacaukan rekor ‘tidak pernah di infus’ ku. Oh iya, selama aku dirawat, dokter dan suster-susternya baiiiik sekali. Pelayanannya juga menyenangkan. I’ll give a good review for Ciputra Mitra Hospital. Tapi sebagus apapun pelayanannya, percayalah, dirawat di rumah sakit tetap saja nggak enak. You know what I mean, right? Mending sehat-sehat aja deh guys. Gausa sakit.

Senin, 11 Februari 2019

"....and in that moment, I swear we were infinite."

credits: pinterest

That night was magical.

It was hectic. Everybody’s busy. Everybody’s tired but the show must go on. You look tired, and I’m exhausted, but it was beautiful.

Here, let me remind you how we looked at each other that night.

The way you always looked for me like I’m the only one you can count on.
The way you stare right into my eyes and said, “Win, I need you.”
Not in a romantic way, of course, duh. You needed me make sure every detail is done and everything worked well in the rundown. But still…

That moment when I said “Good luck everyone.” through the HT and you were the only one who replied, giving me some energy to keep going.

That moment when I said “I’m not going to the stage without you.”
You replied, “Come on Win, just go! I can handle this.”
I gritted my teeth. “I’m not going without you. You’re not doing this alone.”
And we both ended up standing together behind the curtain. Watching everyone gets all the spotlights while we sighed and stares into each other eyes and smiled.

That moment when the singer sang Perfect by Ed Sheeran and I sang a long to the top of my lung, not giving a damn if everyone were staring. All I care and all I wish is if I sang loud enough, maybe you would realize just how much I care for you.

That night was beautiful. All of us are tired and drenched with sweat. Our eyes felt heavy and our feet felt like it was going to fall off.

But I wish we stayed like that forever. I wish that night last forever.

Because even for just a moment, it feels like I’m finally yours and you’re completely mine.

Liputan Tujuh Belasan

Banjarbaru, Kamis, 17 Agustus 2017             Kamis kemarin, aku dan papahku keliling Banjarbaru untuk berburu foto-foto perayaan tuj...